Family Chronicles

Getting married is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful experiences in life. And not just getting married for the sake of it but getting married to the love of your life. Someone who, though with a few blemishes you’re willing you work around, ticks all relevant boxes. Not like you’re free from defects too but your partner, like you, is willing to cope with those not-so-pleasant things. Apparently, every beautiful thing requires sacrifice. 

Bayo’s marriage to Damilola was indeed a memorable one. They’ve known each other since childhood living in the same estate in Lagos. A lot of societal functions for kids usually brought them together and when paired together for challenging tasks they’re quite a formidable team. The whole thing finally made sense as adulthood befell them in one clean swoop. Bayo and Damilola got admission into Babcock University to study International relations and Economics respectively and their lives took a new turn.

“Hey, your girl is here”, “Mr Dami”, “Dami’s guardian” among other numerous taunting collection of words are the few that have a continual occupancy in Bayo’s Auditory system. His friends, Matthew especially, were the bane of his existence.  Bayo usually laughs over it calling his friends ‘nice problems to have’. If only he knew what stood in store for him in the long run. 

Bayo and Damilola became so popular in the Higher learning institution not just for their profound fondness for one another but also for their academic excellence. They have jointly represented their University in a laudable international debate session in Berlin coming out on top against all odds. They’re that brilliant, a joy to themselves, a pride to their institution, a gift to their parents and a source of happiness to their friends and acquaintances. 

Everyone knew that it was only a matter of time until their apparent affection for one another becomes the real deal and it happened soon after they graduated (with first class honours of course). Both parents consented to their relationship and fixed their wedding after their mandatory one year National service. 

Fast forward to the Wedding day and you’ld be forgiven for thinking it was the wedding of a highly-placed Nigerian politician marrying her daughter off to another influential Politician’s son. In attendance was Professor Edet, Babcock University’s erstwhile Vice Counsellor who rarely attends social functions. Other top Professors from the Higher Learning Institution also graced the occasion as well as top people who have witnessed the effusing charm of Bayo and Damilola. It was a memorable wedding, a fitting one for the Class ’12 top two best graduating students and lovebirds. 

You’ll agree with me that one of the most despicable things that ruins marriages and sacks the inhabitants of a beautiful matrimony is infidelity. Bayo was served with that bitter pill while serving as the regional head in the Swedish branch of the multinational company he works for. 

The last person you’ld expect to fall into the hands of a manipulative and lusty co-worker is the young, vibrant and morally-upright Damilola. Well, literally, she’s not off the list, she’s just the last.

Bayo’s stay out of the country had lasted eight months when Damilola stupidly got herself in trouble by flirting with her co-worker, Matthew. Yes, that Matthew. He visited her the weekend after receiving ‘positive signal’ and sh** went down between them real quick. Matthew always had a thing for Damilola, maybe she did too. Or how do you explain the easy pass he got just eight months after her husband left?

Women are scum. 

Bayo returned to Nigeria at the end of his one year role abroad to the delight of everyone but got the most unpleasant surprise of his lifetime as he found his wife heavy.  He’s been out of the country for the past 12 months and found his wife four months pregnant upon return, everything just didn’t add up. Damilola, full of regrets, had been on a six-month study leave for the past month. She hated everything about herself and blames herself for falling into such cheap display of affection shown by Matthew in the Office. At least she got something right, she didn’t blame the devil for her own stupidity.

There’s a limit to to what everyone can take and even the most forgiving individual in the history of mankind will find it hard not to end it with Damilola but Bayo did the unthinkable. He chose to stay with her and ride through troubled waters. He blamed himself for not coming home quarterly when offered the chance in the terms of the agreement but he turned it down without proper deliberation. In his opinion what she did is understandable as she must have missed the gentle touch and caressing of her husband so much that pushed her into succumbing into the temptation. The only reason he felt bad was because it was Matthew, yes she told him. Bayo was mad for a few days and got over everything soon after. What a man. 

They continued living together for the next one month and plan on leaving the country for good because of the uneasy situation. Damilola always felt uneasy carrying someone else’s baby while living under her husband’s roof. Bayo always assured her that he’ll take care of the baby like his own that she had no cause to worry. A bit of reassurances here and there and you’ll conclude that Bayo is either inherently stupid or unbelievably kind. 

Honk Honk goes a car horn just outside their gate one fateful Sunday morning; Bayo checked through the window, turned around to pick two boxes and headed out of the house to the surprise of his Wife. She dashed after him asking where he’s going without telling her anything. He didn’t say a word until he arranged his boxes inside the car and got in himself. “I’m heading to the Airport; I’m relocating to Abuja, Damilola”, he finally said something. “Oh no, I’ve always suspected you’re planning something like this”, Damilola said crying uncontrollably. “But isn’t this Uber? Why is he carrying other passengers already?” Damilola asked about the beautiful woman she found in the car with two infants. “Oh, my bad, that’s Bola and those are Taye and Kehinde, my babies. I met her before I left the country and I’ve been thinking of how to tell you.” Damilola tried to speak but her best attempt was reduced to muffled sounds as an ocean rolled down her cheeks. She wished the ground could open up and swallow her immediately. 

Remind me again please, men are what?



  1. "Women are scum"
    "Men are scumbags".

    Humans are not without flaws and fears.

    1. Nothing can be truer. Thanks for your time.

    2. Scum has no gender, but men are the scummest

  2. A love story that didn't end well. Both are scums.

    1. Sadly. And yeah, fair enough, both are.

      Thanks for your time.

  3. Hmm, her prayers have been answered, good thing she got pregnant for someone else cos she was still going to loose bayo anyways.

  4. Yeh😭😱
    Laslas everybody na scum💔

  5. Who am I to judge anybody?
    Again I ask, who am I?

    Just do what makes you happy, doing your best not to hurt others in the process.

    1. Bayo and Damilola are the ones in need of this advice.

  6. Oh life😥
    Do I need us life is not balance 🤔
    We all steal, but you are a thief when u get caught...

    1. We're all culpable for one offence or the other. Some are however too big to handle.

  7. I have learnt a thing or two. Both gender are scum if u ask me.

  8. Temptation! Only the strongest can conquer it.

  9. The ending shocked me
    What the hell!!!!

    1. That's the entire plan from conception. Thank you for your time.

  10. Scum has no gender.

    Human are inherently scary and unpredictable.

  11. Mehn!!

    I wasn't expecting the plot twist.



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